Our Story

Our Story
Yemoos started over a decade ago, sprouting from a deep, exhaustive search to solve a myriad of health issues. After (a lot of) trial and error, it led us to the miracle that is kefir. But before we get into that, let us thank you first for your valuable time and introduce ourselves!
We are a family-run business blessed with 2 wonderful young boys, a handful of chickens and a couple trillion (or more?!) happy little bacteria and yeast residing in our home. We have a deep passion for helping guide others to restore their health through traditionally fermented foods. This passion came about through our own health challenges and appreciating what it takes to gain true health.
There was a time when we were both struggling with many health issues including allergies, autoimmune, anxiety and depression, pre-diabetes, hormonal imbalance and adrenal fatigue. Sound familiar? Unfortunately, these issues are rampant amidst first world countries today. At the time, we understood little about health, and went through many odd diets, supplements, and even prescriptions in our quest to achieve some sort of health. In the end our turning point and greatest teacher was our first culture - our milk kefir. The irony is that the culture's health benefits were both in consuming it, and in observing it (and realizing and implementing how health and balance truly work!).
We've come a long ways from our fast-food and packaged past to where we are today. I would have laughed if someone told me my favorite past time would be spent devouring health books, blogs and podcasts on restorative health! Our boys also now love taking part in making, observing and consuming all of our fascinating cultures. Our journey with cultures has immensely changed our lives and understanding of health for the better.
And we hope that this will be your experience, too. These cultures all have rich histories of sharing and are incredibly sustainable, rewarding and truly health-promoting! Our wish is to share our knowledge in order that your life can be enriched as well. But more importantly we want you to share with us too, so we can learn and grow together and ultimately help each other. That is truly what 'yemoos' is about. We look forward to being a part of your journey into these life-enriching cultures and the health they provide!
Thank you so much for reading and for your support, without you there would be no 'us'!
Below are a few answers to questions you may still have:
Where did the name Yemoos come from, anyways?
The word 'Yemoos' itself is a word that came to have special meaning to us over the years. When we first met, yemoos was a fun and comical word that evolved out of the combination of you-me and me-you - thus 'ye' and 'moo', or 'yemoo'.
We found it fitting that cultures (like kefir, kombucha and sourdough) also exist due to the amazing symbiotic relationships of yeast and bacteria. The word 'yemoos' really sums up this symbiotic, balanced nature of cultures, our outlook on life, and our wish to establish this same relationship of giving and support to another in life and in health between us, and you
Why is there a cost for your cultures?
You may ask, why do we charge for our cultures - isn't it a tradition to share and give these cultures away? While we would love to be able to offer all of them for free to everyone, we like to compare it to an 'adoption fee'. Putting a cost to the cultures covers the time and care we put into them daily, enables us to afford the best ingredients to ensure the best cultures (raw milk, whole cane sugar, organic tea, fresh home-ground flours). It also aids us in our on-going research and ability to share what we find with you here on this site. It also enables people from all around the world the opportunity to try these cultures, and encourages those who invest in a culture to take the time and effort to care for their cultures. We also enjoy sharing our cultures locally, giving away our cultures to our family, friends, and neighbors whenever we can.
What's so great about cultures?
It may sound a little redundant with the trend towards sustainability and organic foods but there really is nothing like home made food. The lower cost, the better taste, the higher quality, the improvement in health, the time you share while making or eating it with your loved ones and the rewarding relationship between you and your food make it something you simply can't live without! In our current day of fast-paced lifestyles, processed foods and a disconnected society, these cultures give back to us a little bit of what is sorely lacking.
What are our goals?
One thing these cultures teach is that you truly reap what you sow, and all good things take time and care. We hope that this site will also be a direct reflection of this belief. We want to continue to share and provide for you the same cultures and knowledge that have been shared with us, as well as our continued research we conduct. In our personal lives we are also always looking for ways to slow down, find balance and take in life as it is meant to be. We as a family are interested in a simple and sustainable lifestyle. We hope to share our journey with you as we learn how to live more balanced and simply (easier said then done!:)). If you'd like to follow our journey (which has only just begun), please visit our photo album page.
We'd like to leave you with one last note that we hope you'll be comforted to know that whatever you may spend or donate here goes right back towards our cultures, time, research and ability to give you our very best. You can observe more of who and what you are supporting on any of our social media pages! We truly believe what goes around comes around. Just as in culturing, however much we share with others is what can be shared back, and then some. Feel free to contact us at anytime.
With our warmest regards,
Yemoos Nourishing Cultures
PO Box 1696
Georgetown, TX 78627